For the first time, umlaut and connect take a closer look at the performance of the mobile networks in Luxembourg. It reveals one outstanding and two very good operators, by umlaut’s assessment.
For the first time in Luxembourg, umlaut and connect have used umlaut‘s sophisticated crowdsourcing approach to offer a comprehensive look at the user experience of mobile customers in this country. The results reflect a high level of performance – with one operator even achieving the grade “outstanding” and the two others receiving the grade “very good”
For its assessment of the Luxemburg mobile operators, umlaut has conducted crowd-sources analyses based on data gathered between calendar weeks 19 (early May) and 42 (mid-October), 2022. A total of 8.851.885 samples has been considered in the analyses. This represents 99.7% of the built-up area of Luxembourg and 99,9% of the population. The detailed methodology of our assessment is described here.
Croudsourcing facts
million semples
weeks early May to mid-october 2022
of built-up area covered
of population covered
The Luxembourg Mobile Operators
Post Luxemburg
In addition to conventional mail and finance services, Post Luxemburg also offers fixed-line and mobile communications to its customers. For its mobile services, the former incumbent took over the mobile network LuxGSM in 2013. With approx. 450.000 mobile customers (estimation by connect), this operator is the mobile market leader in Luxembourg. The company operates GSM 900/1800, 3G, 4G/4G+ and 5G mobile networks. It claims to reach 98.8% of the population with 4G and 97% with 4G+. About 10% of the Luxemburg population can already use the 5G service of Post.
Tango is a subsidiary of Proximus, formerly Belgacom, which offers fixed-line and mobile communications in Luxembourg. On an international scale, the company cooperates with Vodafone. Tango states to have 276.000 mobile subscribers, which makes it the number two on this marketplace in terms of subscriber numbers. Tango offers GSM 900/1800, 3G and 4G/4G+ to its customers and has also started deploying 5G in the country. The company claims to cover 97% of the population with 4G/4G+.
Orange Luxembourg is a subsidiary of Orange Belgium and offers fixed-line and mobile communications to its customers. The company only publishes customer numbers for the combined markets of Belgium and Luxemburg (where its total customer base recently surpassed 5 million) but estimates to have a 15 percent market share in mobile communications within Luxembourg. This would roughly correspond to a customer count of 134.000 mobile subscribers. Orange Luxembourg operates GSM 900/1800, 3G, 4G/4G+ and has also started to deploy 5G. Orange claims to reach 97% of the population with 4G.
Results at a Glance
Post Luxemburg
is the winner of our comparison, achieving the grade “outstanding”. The biggest operator in Luxemburg wins due to leading in the categories of Broadband Coverage and Latency. In terms of Download Speeds, the winner is also ahead, but only at a slight gap of one point ahead of Tango and two points ahead of Orange. In the Voice assessment, Tango and Orange are ahead of Post at a gap of two points.
ranks second with the overall grade “very good”. The second-largest operator in the country achieves this result with strong results in the Download Speed and Voice categories. In terms of Broadband coverage, this operator scores somewhat behind the other two contenders. In the Latency category, it is five points behind Post, but 26 points ahead of Orange.
takes third place, also with the overall grade “very good”. Luxembourg’s smallest mobile operator is the second strongest contender in the Broadband Coverage category, scoring 6 points behind Post in this section. In terms of Download Speed, Orange scores two points behind the overall winner Post, in the Voice category it scores on a par with Tango. umlaut’s assessment reveals particularly some room for improvement in the Latency category.
Overall Results Luxembourg 2022
“Post Luxembourg is showing an outstanding customer experience with strong performances in the categories of Broadband Coverage and Latency. Tango and Orange are also convincing with a very good overall performance.”
Broadband Coverage
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In the Broadband Coverage category, Post takes the overall lead. In terms of Coverage quality, POST and Orange are on a par. In the assessment of Coverage Reach, the footprint size, POST is clearly ahead, followed by Tango and then Orange, each at distinct gaps. Regarding the Time on Broadband, the count how often each individual user had 4G/5G reception, Post again takes the lead. Here, Orange takes second place, scoring ahead of Tango.
Download Speeds
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In the assessment category of Download Speeds, all three Luxembourg operators ranks closely together. At a margin of one point, Post takes the lead over Tango, which is again follow at a gap of one point by Orange. In the Basic Internet Class with its minimum threshold of 2 Mbps, Post and Tango are on a par and slightly ahead of Orange. In the HD Video Class, where the samples have to reach at least 5 Mbps, Post manifests is lead, slightly ahead of Tango, with Orange following. The decision is ultimately made in the UHD video class: Post achieves the highest count of samples with at least 20 Mbps, with Tango following. Here, Orange falls distinctly behind, which costs valuable points.
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In the Latency category, Post again takes the lead, ahead of Tango and, at a more distinct distance, Orange. This ranking is shown both in the OTT Voice Class (which counts samples with round trip times not exceeding 100 ms) as well as in the more demanding Gaming Class, which demands roundtrip times of 50 ms and below. In the latter category, the ranking becomes quite clear: Post leads the field, Tango achieves a solid second rank, while Orange shows some distinct room for improvement.
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The HD Voice parameter indicates what proportion of the voice calls made by the user were transported via VoLTE (Voice over LTE) or VoWiFi (Voice over WiFi). Here, in terms of the achieved score, Orange and Tango rank on a par – in the KPI value, Orange is slightly ahead. In this category, the former incumbent and today’s market leader Post, falls a little behind.